By Lateef McCleod Lateef This summer I had a great opportunity to be a Storytelling Fellowship with Making Contact, which is a National Radio Program that plays on NPR and Pacifica Radio. During my fellowship with Making Contact I was tasked with producing a radio segment on the Augmentative Alternative Communication or A...
By Sarah Williams, classroom teacher Some of the realities of teaching in a K-1 (in reality Pre-4th grade), self-contained classroom for students with intellectual disabilities are as follows: Communication is extremely important: receptive and expressive communication from students, communication with parents, commun...
by Lyle Bahe, a PRC-Saltillo Ambassador This is an interview with Lyle and his SLP to discuss the April theme of joking or telling funny stories. Enjoy! SLP: What are ways do you make people laugh?Lyle: sarcasm and teasing SLP: When you are talking to people, do you think you are very serious?Lyle: no SLP: What do...
By Maggie Judson, M.S., CCC-SLP The other day I found myself in a school cafeteria during lunch, sitting with a group of students. One student walked up to the table, dropped his food tray down and announced to his friends, “Who wants to see me chug this juice?” Kids shouted their responses of...
By Brandon Williamson, PRC-Saltillo Ambassador There are many times I have felt lucky to have AAC to advocate for myself. I feel lucky to have a way to communicate with my big family and care team using a speech-generating device. I can ask for what I want and need. I can communicate what I am thinking, how I feel, and get...
By Kyle Dinwiddie, PRC-Saltillo Blogger With the COVID-19 virus keeping us at home, we have time to reflect back on our lives. We can remember and ponder things that we didn’t think about before, or reflect on the good old days. One memory I have would be when my family went to Florida. I was nominated t...