By Lance McLemore, PRC-Saltillo Blogger I’m not going to pretend to be unbiased here. I have strong opinions on this subject. However, I know in the field of AAC there are few absolutes and no one-size-fits-all solutions. What might be true and applicable to my situation is not necessarily true and applicable to anot...
By Denise Jenkins, mom I am completely in love with the entire AAC Language Lab!!! Without the Language Lab, I would have no idea where to even start with Matthew and his device. Furthermore, Matthew’s team at his school were unfamiliar with AAC. I understand why this is new to them because this is not commonly used ...
By Kyle Dinwiddie, prc-saltillo Blogger In June, I had the opportunity to go to camp for the second time. I had even more exciting adventures and made lots of new friends. The camp is called Camp WeCanDu, and it is in St. Louis, Missouri. A whole week filled with fun activities from the moment you open yo...
By Carson Covey, PRC-Saltillo Blogger Since it is November, family and friends might be coming in for the holidays. Take this chance to wear out your social pages. What I mean by that is to start programming your yearly review answers. For example, what was your favorite part of the year, despite the Covi...
By Kip Porter, PRC-Saltillo Blogger What's worst thing to a soul; Be silent; that's like a voice is in a prison. The gifts Nova Chat and TouchChatHD have come; Gave angelic voice to silent souls. It's like the sweetest sound of the Earth. Set their thoughts free; gifts put their thoughts Into words. Their words cou...
_By Alex Frank, M.S., CCC-SLP/L _ Everyday consists of various expectations. Expectations for yourself, expectations for your family members, expectations for your coworkers, and the list goes on. Expectations exist not to highlight weakness or a need for improvement, but to provide direction to what we want to accompli...