_ By Angie Sheets_ In my intense interventions elementary classroom, I love collaborating with my SLP and SLPAs to utilize the word of the week core vocabulary instructional approach. This has been an amazing way to specifically target core words. To supplement word of the week, I have created a systemic approach to voca...
By Brittany Toney, M.A., CCC-SLP, Saltillo Consultant We made it to 2021! So what now? You are unsure whether or not your children will ever go back to school; meanwhile you are trying to navigate teletherapy with your child who uses an AAC device. Although I have heard from some caregivers that this time at home has been ...
By Beth Browning, M.A., CCC-SLP It’s time to take a test. Answer these questions: - Which planet is sixth from the sun, is very big, spins fast but moves around the sun slowly, and has large rings? - What do we call the time between 1760-1840 when life was changed by how things were made? - Name a type of housing th...
Virtually Impossible Possible A High-Tech, High-Touch Approach to AAC in the Age of COVID: How one school-based SLP conquered challenges with a ‘hard drive’ and determination By Jami Slotnick It was Friday the 13th. Specifically, March 13th, 2020—a cold and blustery Philly day and I was halfway home ...
_By Ryan Knoblauch, SLP I’m always looking to get kids to engage in learning, and it’s really all about having fun. The core vocabulary movement is taking augmentative and alternative communication by storm and people are always looking for ways to learn and use their AAC systems. Being a speech therapist, I ...
By Betty Carter, M.A., CCC-SLP, PRC Consultant “I learn something new every day!” Most of us have made this statement at one time or another in our lives. In my line of work, it’s definitely true. Although, I’m only 2 years into my role as a PRC consultant, I’ve been a speech therapist for around sixteen y...