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In Loving Memory Of Jane Odom

  Posted on Jul 22, 2022 - 9:01am

Forever in Our Hearts as a Friend, Colleague, and Champion for the AAC Community  Passionate. Joyful. Artistic. Fun. Caring. These are just some of the words that are consistently top of mind for Jane’s closest friends and colleagues as they reflect on her life and legacy. Words somehow don’t seem sufficie...

    News   -    jane odom, aac language lab

Join The Language Lab For Summer Camp 2022!

  Posted on May 23, 2022 - 11:19am

By Hannah Foley, PRC-Saltillo Blogger Life looks very different in the summer than it does during the academic year. Relaxation, no structure, and summer activities replace formal learning and structured activities, which can result in regression, especially for individuals with AAC needs. Goals and activities that have bu...

    News   -    aac language lab, aac learning journey, camp,...

Introducing A New Way To Learn!

  Posted on Apr 25, 2022 - 3:19pm

Experience PRC-Saltillo’s new AAC Learning Journey website and discover a great variety of resources including eLearning classes and live online instructor-led trainings. From parents looking for ways to help their augmentative communicator to clinicians, educators and other professionals committed to expanding their ...

    News   -    aac learning journey, learning portal, elearn...

Playground Core Communication Boards From PRC-Saltillo

  Posted on Nov 16, 2021 - 12:20pm

Recess. Is there any other time at school that children like as much as time spent playing? Children who use AAC, however, face a unique challenge. When playing outside with their classmates, taking an AAC device with them means the device can get broken or lost. But without it, there is no way for the child to communicate...

    News   -    aac, playground, core boards for playgrounds,...


  Posted on Aug 2, 2021 - 2:11pm

By Leanne Husk, Educational Technology Instruction Specialist When new concepts, like coding, start to become more and more prevalent in curriculum all over the world, the folks at Bridges Canada only have one question: How do we make sure it’s accessible for ALL? That’s the question we asked ourselves a littl...

    News   -    coding, computer access, aac, computer emulat...


  Posted on Jul 6, 2021 - 10:49am

By Kirk Behnke, M.Ed, ATP It is with great sadness to convey that Joy Zabala passed away on July 1. If you attend to any social media around assistive or accessible technology, I’m sure you have seen the countless tributes to Joy as a person and a fierce friend and colleague to so many. I was fortunate to have worked...

    News   -    joy, aac, zabala, SETT, AT, assistive technol...