Hi! My name is Kim Thompson. I am an Occupational Therapist by training and a mom of four by blessing. I have had the pleasure of working with both adults and children with disabilities for many years. When I became the mom of a child with a speech disorder however, I truly began to understand what putting it all into...
Katie Yonker, PRC Ambassador Katie’s Mantra My name is Katie Yonker. I live in Phoenix, Arizona. I have a Cerebral Palsy so my mouth and right side of body does not work right. I am twenty-eight years old. I have had a communication device for a long time and it helps me to talk to the people. I have two frien...
By Jane Odom, M.Ed, Director of Implementation Resources Shout Out It is important to give our AAC device users enough time to practice their vocabulary in a meaningful way. One way to teach core vocabulary with repetition in a group is to do a ‘Shout Out’ activity. In this activity, you will need to create a poste...
By Jane Odom, M.Ed, Director or Implementation Resources Wordle is a tool for generating “word clouds’ from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts and colors. Plug in your AAC device ...
By Kim Vuong, PRC Ambassador You wouldn’t think that Benjamin Franklin, the 18th Century Founding Father and inventor, and rock star Phil Collins would have much in common. But both had the same idea about the importance of having a role model to help a person in active learning. As Franklin put it, “Tell me and I for...
By Jennifer Herzog, B.S., PRC Regional Consultant Hello from Arkansas and western Tennessee! I’m Jennifer Herzog, the Regional Consultant in the mid-south and have worked for PRC for four years. Before and during my years at PRC, I have routinely found myself helping people learn to do something. Through my experienc...