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Let's Play Dress Up

Stage One
Express Negatives

Stage One Plans
Express Negatives
Express Requests


The student will practice using core vocabulary for a variety of functions.

 Do You Want? Flipbook


boy putting on shoes

Play Dress Up with your student.  Have a variety of clothing and accessories available.  

Ask your student, "What should we do?"  If they have trouble responding, model words "play" or "put."  

When making a choice, ask the student to tell you what color they would like.  

You can also ask them if they "like" or "don't like" something, if they "want" or "don't want" something, etc.  

Show the student an article of clothing.  Ask them if it belongs to them and model the word "mine."  Show them another one and ask "Whose hat is this?"  

After a while, ask the student if they want to play "more" or are "all done."  



thumbs down

There are three books included with this lesson plan.  Model all vocabulary before reading the story.   Read the book once. Point out target vocabulary when it appears. The next time, ask the students to find the target vocabulary words as they appear in the story.  Talk about other things during the day that can help students practice using those words.  



t shirt

Have students use their device to fill in the target vocabulary words on the t-shirt writing template.  If the device has computer emulation capabilities, the student can use their device as an alternative keyboard.  

Connect the device to the computer using a USB cable or Bluetooth adaptor. Let the student use his/her device to write the target vocabulary. Be sure to make the font large. Print out the words for your student.

If you are using WordPower (Saltillo or TouchChat), save the person’s writing using Stories and Scripts within the vocabulary.  Learn more about this feature here



paper chain

Print out a set of paper dolls.   Teachers Pay Teachers has a lot of options.   Choose one that is right for your student.  You have a lot of options.  Free play with your student.  Have them tell you what outfit to "put" on the doll.  They can tell you to "look" when they are ready.  They can tell you which color shoes they "want" or "don't want."  Provide lots of opportunites for device use during this open ended activity.  When they are ready, they can tell you they are "all done."  If they have trouble getting started, play with the dolls and model on the device all that you are doing.  Provide verbal prompts for  them to do the same.   

Create a Paper Doll Chain with your student.  Choose the paper.  The length of the chain will depend on the length of the paper.  Accordian fold your paper making the folds as wide as you want your doll.  The arms of the doll should reach all the way to the edges of the fold.  Draw your character.  You can make a basic doll shape or experiment.  Create a robot, monster, or alien.  Be sure to include the student in the entire process.  Ask them what the "want or "don't want."  Ask them where to "put" things and when it is "all done."  Carefully cut out the design.  You will be cutting through all the folds of paper at once.  Unfold the chain and your dolls will be holding hands.  Ask you student to "look" as you unfold the chain.  You can then decorate the chain with your student.  They can choose colors, sequins, or other decorations.  Be sure they use their device for all requests.  

Use the Clothing Match worksheet with your student.  Have them use their device to tell you where to "put" each article of clothing.  During the activity, you can also use sabotage and place the article of clothing on the incorrect body part.  The student can then tell you "don't put" as you play.  You can model target vocabulary as needed.  


 Homework Card

Can-Do Cards are fun, motivational activities the entire family can do to help your child improve their communication skills. Most activities will fit nicely into your daily family routines.

Start Homework Plan

young man making a face

Express Negatives

Select for another lesson to reinforce this objective

frog eating a fly

Express Requests

Select if you’re proficient at this objective and ready to move onto the next objective

Common Core Standards
Below are references to the Common Core Standards organized by grade level and associated with the goals and objectives of this lesson plan. When considering which standards to target in your lessons with students, begin by looking at the standards at your student’s grade level. You may need to refer to that same standard at a lower grade level to adapt your lesson to best meet the needs of your student.