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Learn about the PRC-Saltillo Ambassadors

By Ryan Knoblach, SLP It’s all about core vocabulary. That’s pretty much all I talk about lately. I’m selling fast. Wheelin’ and dealin’. Get on board. Time to get these kids communicating! I don’t care what app/software/device you have, I’m selling you on the idea to st...

Communication Anywhere!

  Posted on Jun 22, 2016 - 11:13am

_ By Connie McCafferty, M.Ed., M.A., CCC-SLP_ If you are fortunate to live in a climate with moderate temperatures and favorable weather conditions year round you may not be excited as I am to finally have spring in Ohio. However, as the weather is finally improving here in the Midwest, now is a good reminder to take ad...

AAC Funding

  Posted on Jun 14, 2016 - 4:44pm

By Gretchen Bright, BS As a consultant, I work with many speech therapists during a very critical time…AAC EVALUATION TIME! This can be a nerve wracking experience for SLPs. PRC has a fantastic Funding Department and Regional Consultants always available to help make the experience a little more comforting. With many...

My Accent

  Posted on Jun 1, 2016 - 1:39pm

By Joseph Harrall, Accent Master Welcome back, my name is Joseph Harrall and I have an Accent 1400 which is a piece of me, it goes everywhere with me. The best feature is the feeling for me to be able to say something about what is on my mind. Spelling comes easy as I use the icons for all my schoolwork and communicat...

By Carrie Clark, CCC-SLP, Owner, Speech and Language Kids Establishing a Functional Communication System All children have the right to communicate. No disorder, disease, or physical limitation should be able to take that right away from them. For that reason, it is our obligation to make sure that all children wi...

Ha Ha Ha

  Posted on May 18, 2016 - 10:54am

By Ace Bryans Hello I am Ace Bryans, I am 16 years old, I am in a wheelchair and I live with GA1 a Metabolic Disorder and Dystonia a movement disorder so I can’t control my muscles. Because of that I can’t talk with my mouth but I have a special computer called Accent 1400 with eye-gaze, it follows my beautiful br...