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Six Flags Over Georgia

  Posted on Jun 27, 2018 - 1:39pm

By Danny Gonzales, PRC Blogger Hey bloggers, I want to tell what happened to me at Six Flags Over Georgia. I was told I couldn’t ride due to my disability in case there was an emergency and I can’t evacuate the ride myself. This is BS because I have been to Universal Studios and I was able to ride everything there ...

The Facts Of Life

  Posted on Jun 22, 2018 - 1:25pm

By Kyle Dinwiddie, PRC Blogger Sometimes life can be disappointing and not work out the way you think it will. It is easy to get frustrated and angry, but feeling sorry for yourself and getting bitter hurts only you in the end. Last fall my family and I were at a sporting event in a nearby city when we came across a bo...

The Lightning Bolt Word

  Posted on Jun 20, 2018 - 12:40pm

Michelle Britt-Thompson, M.S., CCC-SLP There are moments in AAC therapy that stop me in my tracks. Those moments strike out of nowhere, usually when I’ve turned away for a moment to scribble some data or glance at my watch. When I turn back to my student, there it will be on the screen. The lightning bolt word. A w...

Pass The Butter

  Posted on Jun 15, 2018 - 12:28pm

By Kyle Dinwiddie, PRC Blogger Warning! Warning! My mom is a shopper. She bulks up things and stores them up like a squirrel storing up nuts for winter. Some may call it hoarding, but mom calls it smart shopping. When an item is on sale, it pays to stock up. Such as the Great Sugar Heist of 2017, my mom has certain item...

    Life With Kyle


  Posted on Jun 13, 2018 - 3:15pm

By Hank Poore, PRC Blogger I have a lot of friends who I love. But the one who is dear to me that is not only like a friend to me but who is basically like my “sister ” is my friend named Shanna . Shanna was one of my babysitters when I was 7, and was my babysitter until I was 12. She didn’t only babysit me, sh...

Expect The Unexpected

  Posted on Jun 6, 2018 - 11:59am

By Jennifer Herzog, B.S Many years ago, I wrote one of the first “Stories and Strategies for Success” blog articles and profiled my favorite pair of clown sunglasses and most ridiculous hat. I had just worked with a young man learning to use a device for the first time and relied on these gadgets to elicit communicat...