By Cortney Maholtz, M.A., CCC-SLP By now you probably know that we communicate in a lot of different ways…with verbal speech, with our facial expressions, with gestures, or with an AAC device. Today, I want to talk about gestures. But not the normal gestures you are probably thinking of right now, like waving or poi...
By Gretchen Bright, BS As a consultant, I work with many speech therapists during a very critical time…AAC EVALUATION TIME! This can be a nerve wracking experience for SLPs. PRC has a fantastic Funding Department and Regional Consultants always available to help make the experience a little more comforting. With many...
_ By Connie McCafferty, M.Ed., M.A., CCC-SLP_ If you are fortunate to live in a climate with moderate temperatures and favorable weather conditions year round you may not be excited as I am to finally have spring in Ohio. However, as the weather is finally improving here in the Midwest, now is a good reminder to take ad...
_ By Jennifer Monahan, M.A., CCC-SLP_ Perhaps you are a speech pathologist reading this blog today? Perhaps you are a teacher? Or maybe a parent? Are you a nurse? No matter what role you may play, if you’re reading this blog it means you are likely supporting an individual who uses a speech generating device as his...
By Lori Holbrook Words can’t always describe what the iPad has done for us! We say all the time it has given Hannah a voice, some independence, and a sense of humor. When it all comes down to it, though, it truly is a gift. We take for granted communication and socializing with others everyday. When you are given a chi...
By Liz Heisler, M.A. CCC-SLP, PRC-Saltillo Consultant As a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) and as an assistive technology consultant, I often get feedback from communication partners (e.g., anyone who interacts with the person using the AAC system) of our AAC users such as, “He’s just playing with the d...