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Posted May 4, 2020 - 11:51am

By Kyle Dinwiddie, PRC-Saltillo Blogger

My brother is very talented musically, and for many years practiced his musical talents with piano, drums, and the guitar. Cameron also enjoys playing many different styles of music. Because of that, I have a broad appreciation of all sorts of music.

 Last year I had spine surgery and was in the hospital through the month of August.  I had to wear a fancy neck brace for about eight weeks.  Those weeks were the most difficult trial I ever had.  But there was something at the hospital that helped me through that time. My first days staying there, a woman with a laptop walked in my room. She was a music therapist. There were also nurses in my room to stick me and draw blood.  Needles have always bothered me my whole life.  Something that goes under your skin and sucks blood out really messes with me.   I was trying to keep calm when the nurse came at me with a needle.

The woman with the laptop asked me if I would like some music to listen to.  I requested some songs and she instantly knew the songs and played them on her laptop.  Then the nurse stuck me with the needle, but the music completely erased my worry and fear. The music lady added those songs to a playlist just for me.

After the surgery, I had daily therapy at the hospital for several weeks, but I was still weak and that really saddened me.  Suddenly the same music woman came in the room and offered some songs to work out with. My spirit lifted as I listened to some more music. With my spirit up, I tried harder and harder in my therapies.  I think that was what strengthened me because I became stronger any time, I heard that song list.  Sometimes we would just hang out listening to music, and singing along with the songs.

After coming home, I yearned to listen to my uplifting playlist again just like when I was in the hospital.

My brother uploaded a music app on my phone. He showed me that I could add songs to a list and I could listen to it any time I wanted. I could also name my list.  I thought to myself what’s strong and courageous when everyone else is scared?  What doesn’t give up when it sees the war in front of it?  What fights when it feels like a lost cause? I named my list ‘’Warrior List’’.  Since then I have listened to that list every single day because it inspires me to not limit myself. This Warrior List now has 47 tracks and its playtime is 2:58:08. I continue adding even more songs when I hear a new great song about rising up or overcoming something. Music moves the soul and can help heal the mind and body. The encouragement music can provide is sometimes the best “medicine”.

The reason I wrote this week’s blog is because I wanted to challenge you to be a warrior in your own lives.  To encourage you to not give up and stand strong no matter how hopeless things may seem. We are all capable of more than we think we are. Even to be a warrior. And I’d be glad to offer a few great song suggestions to help lift you up and start your “warrior” playlist. This is Life with Kyle and I will talk to you next week. 


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Life with Kyle   -    warrior, music, therapy, playlist, hospital, spinal surgery