by Danny Gonzales, PRC-Saltillo Ambassador
We’re always on communication devices talking to people but sometimes we need to unplug from there. The way I unplug from mine after a long day at school from classes and student government meetings I put mine on the couch or it may be almost ready to die so I just go ahead and plug it in for the night. People who don’t use communication devices they don’t understand they can speak - we have to build what we want to say out then say it. And a lot of times I’ll be trying to talk somebody, and they’ll just walk off I’m like excuse me I’m talking to you. That is why when I come home from college, I like to unplug my communication device because I have been on it all day and I need a break from it. After all I’m looking at a computer screen six to eight hours a day talking to people.
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Communicators In Action