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How Lyle sharpens his communication skills - A conversation with his SLP

Posted Sep 4, 2024 - 3:27pm

By Lyle Bahe, PRC-Saltillo Ambassador (Thanks to AllieJane, SLP) 


What do you do to sharpen your communication skills?

Lyle: I like work hard communication device.

SLP: Do you work hard by having a lot of conversations with people?
Lyle: Yes

SLP: Here at the DTA, who do you like to talk to?
Lyle: I like to talk to everyone here

SLP: What do you like to talk to people here about?
Lyle: Ask if they had a good evening yesterday.

SLP: Are there any other subjects you can talk about with people here?
Lyle: How are you?

SLP: Do you ask your peers about the movies they like to watch?
Lyle: yes

SLP: Do you like any of the same movies as your peers?
Lyle: I like watching movie


SLP: What are movies that some of your peers also like that you could talk about?

Lyle: I like movie. Favorite movie mask 


SLP: Does anyone else here like that movie

Lyle:  I don’t know


SLP: Have you asked anyone out in the big room if they like that movie to work on asking questions? 

Lyle: Yes, someone likes that movie.


SLP: What else can we do to keep your communication skills sharp?

Lyle: Speech Therapist


SLP: Me! What do we do together?

Lyle: We work on my communication device


SLP: You’re right, by doing what? What ways do I challenge you and work on communicating?

Lyle: Work on sentences 


SLP: Why do we work on sentences?

Lyle: Me better me talk to people


SLP: Do you feel like speech therapy keeps your communication skills sharp?

Lyle: yes


SLP: Is speech therapy hard for you? Does it challenge you?

Lyle: yes


SLP: Why does it challenge you?


Lyle: I like make long sentences. I like talk me communication device friends. Me help better my communication device work (I like to try and make longer sentences to talk to my friends. ST helps my device work and helps me communicate better) 


SLP: Is it hard to use longer sentences? 

Lyle: yes. 


SLP: Why are sentences hard?

Lyle: Me look around communication device for stuff (Has to look around for more words) 


SLP: Do you know why working on the harder/longer sentences is important

Lyle: So me talk better to people


SLP: Yes, and so we understand more what you want or need without having to ask you a bunch of questions to understand. So, you can be understood and we can help you faster. 

SLP: When you’re not actively communicating with your device, how are you using it to sharpen skills further?

Lyle: Finding movies on youtube. Message talk on facebook. Text mom or other people. 


SLP: Do you feel you need to keep practicing to keep your skills sharp?

Lyle: yes, learning more every week. New vocab added (needs to practice using new vocab)


SLP: Do you have a favorite SLP you have worked with *cough cough*

Lyle: (laughing) AllieJane 


SLP: Oh phew, that’s a relief! I love practicing with you and chatting! 


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Communicators In Action   -    communication, sharpen, skills