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Building Relationships

Posted Feb 7, 2025 - 12:41pm

By Jennifer Shroyer, PRC-Saltillo Ambassador 

How do I show my gratitude in my relationship and how do I communicate that to the people I care about the most?

All my life I have been nonverbal and it was challenging to show my gratitude with people who I cared about and for several years I was misunderstood being nonverbal. I felt sad, angry and scared, I felt these emotions because I was unsure how others would take me so sometimes I would stay to myself in my room. When I got my first communication device I was in  high school and I can remember how excited I was just to be able to communicate with my teachers and friends but I was not able to bring the communication device home with me because it was for the school so I was not able to communicate with my family members. Eventually the school ordered me my own communication device and I was able to take responsibility for that device and take it home to communicate with family and friends at home. I remember the first time I told my dad I loved him and he had tears in his eyes and I did too. In addition, now having had two of PRC-Saltillo communication devices has been amazing. I was engaged last year but my boyfriend and I are working on our relationship.He knows when I blink my eyes it means thank you in case I don't have my communication device right there beside me at that moment but otherwise I will communicate with him and say thank you, I appreciate your help. When my family comes over for my birthday or holidays I will tell them that I love them and thank you and that I appreciate their help, it makes me feel good that I am able to communicate my gratitude with my family, just to let my workers know that I appreciate them and their assistance, it makes me and them feel happy and that they are giving me the proper care.

In conclusion, being able to show my gratitude Without a communication device was challenging but I made it work because I had to communicate with family. When I got my communication devices it made my life a lot easier and I am able to have opportunities that I never had before. PRC-Saltillo devices has opened a whole new world for me.

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