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What Inspires you? #AACVibe

Posted Oct 22, 2024 - 2:30pm

by Kerri Adamic, PRC-Saltillo Ambassador 

Hello everyone, wherever we are. ... I'm going to talk about what inspires us in life ! .. first , let's learn the definition of inspire or inspiration ! online web dictionary , it states, to excite, encourage , or breathe life into . Inspire comes from the latin word, which means to inflame , or blow in to. . that means we have the desire or an interest to do something, that's impossible to do. ... it's always scary to do something new, therefore we may grow and learn Everything, that excites us. One of my extra ordinary life dream was to live on my own, one day. I was living in a group home with fifteen people with disabilities, which was okay. ... one day, Iread a newspaper article about a young man, tim, with similar disabilities , as mine, except he uses his communication device with his toe on his left foot. ... tim tin has his own place, with a good and supportive staff, who assist him with everything. ....  That newspaper article inspired or motivated me to set a long term goal of living on my own , someday,  with aides who help me through the day.... yes , i also have my down times by myself . This accessible apartment complex was designed and owned,  by the organization , the united cerebral palsy. ..  I was so excited when I heard about this place being built, for I've been here for 19 years, ....

What inspires you, in your life, to become the person you are, right now? ... life seems impossible  to be  happy and busy, because of our disabilities, nevertheless, we have some extraordinary dreams to look forward to! ... ...

Another experience, that inspired me, was to write another book, although my first book was never published 25 years ago. ...  the name of my first book was called, @Kerri Carries On.@  .....   .  six or seven  years ago, My good friend took me to a book boot camp , that lasted for 3 days. During that time, I felt inspired to tackle the challenge of writing another book, "Doubt your doubts, the essential guide to overcome life's challenges of potential." it took me two years to complete this task with a lot of hard work and with determination and persistence!

Lately, I've felt inspired to do some little traveling, again, since my big fall in March. .... Because I haven't been able to bear my weight on my left leg, I've been trying to stand up to transfer on my two legs, not just on one good leg, however, by going to physical therapy twice a week, I'm getting stronger, each day, with extra exercises! ... I'm almost there , although it is a lot of work, and pain. ...

As you can see, it takes work to do something, that inspires us, therefore, we take the action to make our dreams to come true. For an example, 46 years ago, in birthday month of October, I wrote a letter to Lawerence Welk (1970's big band orchestra leader), saying that I would like to meet him one day, because I loved his shows. He actually wrote me back with some tickets to his show.  ... it was my 21st birthday. What if I didn't take an action to write him? I know I wouldn't have met him at all. 

in closing, I would like to share a quote from the class , that I attended for the toastmaster's club it reads:
"We empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders." Each one of us can be extraodinary leaders of our surroundings , because we have the capabilities of teaching the people about living an extraordinary life . I hope you've learned that nothing is impossible for you to do. Throughout entire my life , nothing has been easy, however, nothing has been impossible , either . .  .  thank you for reading this and let me know if you have any questions by clicking below to reach me. 

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