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Why Democracy is important to me

Posted Oct 10, 2024 - 8:36am

By Matt Huggins, PRC-Saltillo Ambassador  


I do believe everybody should vote because our founding fathers fought for and died for the right to vote.  I have voted in every election that I could. Democracy should be important to everybody because no one person should control a country's government. I think it is important to make my voice be heard because everybody’s voice matters in an election. Especially as an AAC user, we have the opportunity to not only have our voices heard, but we also have the opportunity to vote on issues that really matter to us! Everybody should be voting because it's really important to make your voice be heard.  

I really don't remember how I won my fifth-grade class election, but I do remember that my friends helped me put up signs for my campaign. My class teacher asked me to run, but I don’t remember why he asked me. If felt good to represent my class because I felt responsible to bring up my class thoughts and ideas to student Senate.  

I have voted in person early and on election day. I like to vote by mail because it is easier for me.  I watch every debate because it helps me decide who I want to vote for.  I think my favorite part of the presidential debate was when vice president Harris talks about the Trump rallies where there were crowds leaving early from the rallies.  I am excited for this election because we could elect our first woman president.   

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Communicators In Action   -    Democracy, voting, election