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My Recent Stay In Rehab

Posted Jun 10, 2024 - 8:11am

By Kerri Adamic, PRC-Saltillo Ambassador and AAC Toastmaster's member

I gave a speech for the Toastmaster’s AAC Group recently. PRC-Saltillo hosts this Toastmaster’s group of AAC Users and PRC-Saltillo employees. Toastmasters is an education program that focuses on helping individuals develop skills in various areas such as influence, communication, and relationships. I signed up to give a speech this month, so I decided to share it as a blog post too! So here is my speech, enjoy! 

 Kevin asked me to talk about my experience of my accident that I HAD, on March 20th. My aide and I were walking around in a circle before going to my wheelchair, but not this time. I stepped on her toes and I hit my chest of drawers behind me. Down we went on the hard floor in front of my living room door. My aide protected my head, however, I landed on my left good side, where I broke my femur in my thigh, and fractured the bone in my upper arm. I went to the ER, being in a lot of pain, they could not do anything for my arm except putting it in a sling.  They did put a rod and a few screws in my thigh and hip. The pain immediately eased up, thank goodness.... I think I was in the hospital for a week. After that, I was in a nursing \ rehab place for six weeks. I did have PT (physical therapy) every day. I finally came home, on Monday, May 13th 

 While I was in the rehab, I was in a room for two people. I was able to figure out that there was a Roku TV, therefore, I tried to turn their TV on, with my Roku remote control through my communication device. Guess what? It actually worked for me, which made me so happy! My biggest challenge for me was how to use my communication device with a fracture bone in my arm. It wasn't easy. I couldn't even drive my power wheelchair by myself, at first. It hurt to do anything. That, however, with PT and OT (occupational therapy),  I was able to do some things and not a lot, yet.  

 It feels so good to be back home. Staying in the rehab was quite a learning experience, where they had different activities throughout the day. I went to play BINGO! My parents and aides came during the mealtimes to feed me until the staff learned how to feed me. Eating and drinking in the hospital beds, were not the easiest thing to do. The food was like baby food at first, until we changed it to chop, that had some textures. The meals were pretty good, however, the breakfasts were getting old for me, eating the same thing every morning. The staff was nice and friendly, and they learned about my sense of humor well, for we were able to joke around by the end of my stay.  

 My aide and I took a walk to Walgreens, that was right across the street from the rehab center. Let me tell you, not being able to drive my own wheelchair for five or six weeks was fairly challenging. I had to refocus my eyes and brain on how to drive my older power wheelchair again. I did pretty well!  The rehab center was a mile away from my apartment, therefore, I got to go home to get some clothes, and then went back to the rehab center. I finally got to come home for good. I still have some issues with my leg for some unknown reason. I've not been able to straighten the bottom of the leg out since the fall. No one knows why. It gets very frustrating at times. Now I'm getting PT every week through the home health agency. 

 I hope everyone is doing well. My advice to you is to keep on exercising or doing PT to stay strong and healthy. Thank you for reading this and my recent injury and recovery has been quite an interesting experience!  

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Communicators In Action   -    rehab, rehabilitation, recovery, toastmasters, speech