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Kevin Williams

Picture for Kevin Williams
  PRC-Saltillo Ambassador

 am Kevin Williams and welcome to my PRC-Saltillo Ambassador page.


The purpose of this bio is to formally introduce myself to you, share a little history of my time as an ambassador, share some things I do outside of being a prc Saltillo ambassador, and I will end with sharing the topics of interest for my speeches. 


I’m going to start by telling a little bit about myself. I am a Web developer doing most of my work remotely. I am currently and have spent the last several years living in Charlotte, North Carolina. Before Charlotte I lived and  grew up in Cleveland Ohio and still root for Cleveland based sports teams. 


I have been an ambassador for PRC for almost 3 decades. Ever since I received my first device when I was a teenager. It is crazy to think about how time flies, how long I have been representing this company as an ambassador. 


During those three decades I  have done a lot as an ambassador for the now PRC Saltillo. I prepared presentations for conferences like the Pittsburgh Employment Conference or PEC; ISAAC international conference, California State University at Northridge Assistive Technology conference or C-SUN for short; and many more. I have worked at the exhibit hall booths for the company at regional and National non-AAC related conferences; like the National association of Medicaid Directors conference. I even lobbied on capitol hill for funding and support of AAC and Assistive Technology in general.


Outside of my ambassador duties, I recently was awarded the 2020 Ed Prentke distinguished lecture at the A-T-I-A conference. 


I  am on the executive board of the international society of Alternative and Augmentative Communication, or ISAAC for short. I am about to finish my first term and start my second serving as ISAAC’s Vice President of People Who Use AAC and Chair of  the ISAAC LEAD Committee. The objective of the lead committee is to promote and encourage leadership opportunities for people who use AAC within ISAAC and its 16 chapters. LEAD also manages projects aimed to connect people together and promote AAC awareness.


One such project is the AAC awareness month celebration that happens each October and offers a theme to get people involved.  For example, 2022’s theme of “show your voice” encouraged AAC users to show your voice either literally by recording a video of how you use your AAC device to post on social media accounts or figuratively by showing your voice in support of a cause you believe deeply in.


Another such project I work on with Isaac is managing and hosting the bi-weekly ISAAC online Chat for People Who Use AAC. The chat allows augmented communicators from around the world a chance to come together and have fun discussing a variety of topics. 


The topics of interest I share during my speeches include my personal experience using AAC, AAC Advocacy, AAC Identity and diversity, Assistive Technology, and Adaptive Sports.

To conclude I look forward to collaborating with you at your next training, conference, or special event. I hope you learned a little more about me. Thank you for watching, and have a good one.

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