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Kate Chapple

Picture for Kate Chapple
  PRC-Saltillo Ambassador

My name is Kate Chapple. I was born on the 4th of July. I was destined to live up to become an Independence Day baby.  My sophomore year in high school I had the privilege of being a beta tester for the Prentke Romich Company’s Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device, the Liberator. The Liberator opened up so many opportunities for me. I took Introduction to Speech to learn how to prepare a well organized speech since I would be presenting at two national assistive technology conferences that school year. The following year I took Debate after the debate coach received permission for me to use my Liberator during a debate tournament. At the time computers weren’t allowed during debate tournaments. In my case, my communication device was seen as a prosthetic device. Determined to follow the path of my sisters: going to college, living independently, having a successful career, etc., with the guidance from an independent living program, I moved to San Antonio to live by myself in a wheelchair accessible apartment after high school. Seven years later I earned my BA in Special Education from the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Over the past 20 years, my career path of working with people with disabilities and assistive technology has been extremely rewarding. I worked several years with the Austin Independent School District's Assistive Technology team. I served as an Assistive Technology Assistant providing support on all AAC devices and mentoring students who use AAC. I also conducted many staff development training as well as presented multiple university classes on AAC and assistive technology. 

I currently work as an independent contractor for a couple of jobs. As a blogger,  I write about my life stories living with a disability. In addition, I write about people with disabilities success with assistive technology called Profiles of Success with AT.  My most recent job as of August 2020, is becoming an advocate for National ARD/IEP Advocates. My role as an advocate is to support students with disabilities and their parents in  ARDs/IEPs and assist them in between the family and the school.  This is a great passion of mine.

On a personal note, in 2013 I got remarried to my sole mate Dave. We first met in 1997 at the Pittsburgh Employment Conference (PEC) for people who use AAC devices. Over the years, we were just friends until I left my first marriage. Currently, Dave and I live in our home with four fur babies (dogs). I am always up for new adventures. I love going to concerts, swimming, playing with our dogs, and traveling.

 I have two blogs on this site.

Kate’s Mentoring Connection is to highlight significant events in my life as someone who uses AAC.

Please feel free to contact me at:



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