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Elizabeth Kenkel

Picture for Elizabeth Kenkel
  PRC-Saltillo Ambassador

Hello! My name is Elizabeth Kenkel. I was born with Moebius Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy. This makes it difficult for me to speak and to make small movements. I also have Developmental Delay so sometimes it takes a little longer and a little more practice for me to learn new things. I have been surprising people for most of my life.

When people said I couldn't do something, my parents said, “We'll See.” Now I can speak for myself and when people say I can't do something, a lot of times I can say, “Watch Me.” I can hear but I learned to use sign language because I couldn't speak very well The problem is that a lot of people don't understand sign language. Also, sometimes my CP gets in the way of making clear signs. I did not stop trying to talk and now people who know me can understand half of what I say.

It's especially hard for people to understand me when I am angry, upset, or frustrated. You can guess that makes me even more angry, upset, or frustrated. I needed another tool in my Communication toolbox. I have now found my voice. I use ChatPower on a Saltillo Chat Fusion 10 with a keyguard.

I started using WordPower on a Dynavox when I was in kindergarten. I was learning where to find all my words very quickly. It was so important to me. I got frustrated because the Dynavox was heavy and not always reliable. It seemed like it had to be fixed a lot.

The WordPower program had word prediction that helped me learn how to spell. I started using programmed words less and spelling more as I got older and learned to read better.

Around 6th grade, my school let me use a Mercury I could use that device more like a computer and it showed me I could do more things. It was still too heavy for me and I could only use it if I sat in my wheelchair or at a table. I was still practicing my walking and balance, so that was frustrating.

In High School, I tried using the I-Pad. That was always too quiet for people to really hear me. When I was about 17, I found the Saltillo NovaChat 10 at the Abilities Expo and fell in Love! It is lightweight and has a handle that makes it easier for me to hold. It is loud enough for everyone to hear and it lets me use all the apps my sister uses on her cell phone.

I can email, text, play music, and search the internet. I use a keyguard to help me hit the smaller buttons. My speech therapist and PRC-Saltillo helped us order the device through our insurance company When people asked me what I wanted to do after I graduate, I told them I wanted to teach people how they could use AAC to unlock their voice too. So when Saltillo invited me to become an Ambassador, I said, “When can I start?”

That seems like a long time ago. I use a Saltillo ChatFusion 10 now. I still use a keyguard, but like that I can flip it out of the way when I go into my texting or email app. Today I still live with my parents. I still need help with a lot of things in my life, but I have a lot of support around me. I get tired out walking and my balance isn't good so I use a power wheelchair to be more independent.

My Chat Fusion has a strap on it that helps me carry it wherever I go and I can speak for myself to almost anyone. I can chat on Zoom, spend an evening with my Grandmother, go to the Mall with a friend, or get a Manicure with my sister. I can have one-on-one time with relatives and friends without my Mom hanging around to interpret for me. I love to travel and have visited several countries with my family. Every place I go, I get to decide if it is easier to talk, to sign, or to use my device. Thanks to PRC-Saltillo AAC, I have the tools I need.


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